How Well Do You Know Frozen?

No. 1 /6
Which Disney princess is spotted when the gates open in the song "For The First Time In Forever"?

Snow White
No. 2 /6
What does Olaf say he likes when he introduces himself?

Happy kisses
Hot cocoa
Warm hugs
Summer days
No. 3 /6
What does Anna give Kristoff for Sven, in order to get him to take her to the Northern Mountains?

A winter coat
An ice pick
No. 4 /6
How does young Elsa wear her hair?

In two braids
In one braid
In a complicated bun
Side plait
No. 5 /6
What does Elsa call her parents when Anna gets knocked unconscious?

Mummy & Daddy
Mum & Dad
Mums & Dada
Mama & Papa
No. 6 /6
What does Grand Pabbie say about Elsa's enemy?

It will be Anna
It will be ice
It will be nothing
It will be fear